The death of Mukhtar Ansari | When the guns fall silent, the voices remain

The death of Mukhtar Ansari | When the guns fall silent, the voices remain

Feared by those whose lives were upturned when his alleged gang members gunned down a family member and respected by many as the man who helped people in need, gangster-politician Mukhtar Ansari’s death last week shook eastern Uttar Pradesh in the way his life did. The Hindu travels to Purvanchal to understand the sentiment on the street and the political fallout
The rock paintings at Kumittipathi testify to prehistoric Kongu region

The rock paintings at Kumittipathi testify to prehistoric Kongu region

Believed to be around 3,000 years old, the paintings in the Pathimalai cave are drawn with white pigments. They depict an elephant, ther (a chariot, some say it is a peacock), and the lives of early dwellers. Despite being a prominent rock art site, the cave lacks protection and the paintings are at the risk of destruction